Aprender inglés Palma de Mallorca  21 jun 2019

Looking forward to exchanging languages with someone

Hi, My name is Jean Pierre, I’m from Peru but I live in Mallorca. I’ve been living in Spain for 12 years.

I’m married to an American girl and I have an American baby.

They’re living in the US now.

I work as a waiter in a 4 star hotel.

I’d be interested in exchanging languages.

I’ve been speaking English for many years with native English speakers and I also helped them learn Spanish.

If you’re interested in having a conversation with me in Spanish and English, let me know so that we can arrange a time.

I have an electric scooter that is my means of transport.

My WhatsApp is 632 689 511.

my email is [email protected]

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Saiyan Hey, how are you doing? Your English is astonishing. Are you interested in speaking English, or what do you want to do? I-m not pretty sure about that.